Toads operation
Operation of the protection of the migration of the prickly toads (Bufo spinosus) of Saint-Georges-de-Didonne
From the toadrome
In 2010 and 2011, We have experienced an important phenom of migration of toads on the village of Saint-Georges-de-Didonne. From february they begins their migrations from the wood to the ponds. During this short periods, the migration is intense from the nightfall to the middle of the night.
This path of migrations are impacted by the traffic, the mortality is important and it can extinct the species.
With the purpose of studying this phenom to preserve this species, the team of le Parc de l’Estuaire install during that time, with the help of student from the agricol college le Petit Chadignac (Saintes) and technical services from the city of Saint-Georges-de-Didonne a system of protection on the city.
From february to the end of march, aound twenty volunteers take turns for the start and the end of the day to help this protected species to came across the road without danger. Since 2013, others funds have been invested to make this operations more efficient : a municipal decree to limit the cars speed’s to 30km, signals, informations to sensibilize locals, a more resistant tarp, biometrics mesures to caracterize the species by the OBIOS association. 3263 toads have been taken across the road each year since 2012.
…to the crapauduc
A « Crapauduc » has been build During the autumn 2022, it’s a permanent structure. This kind of structure exist in other department (Alsace) but this project is located in an urban area with houses, path etc..) this « Crapauduc » is controlled by the team of le Parc de l’Estuaire, volunteers and some experts to enhance it if necessary and to give experience for futurs projects.
The project
The Department is relevant for the creation and the implementation of an protection politics, management and for access to the publics to theirs sensitives naturals areas, created to preserved the quality of landscapes.
This project of « Crapauduc » is a part of an old politics (1978) to protect the landscapes and the biodiversity of the forest of Suzac, with the support of the municipalities and the « Conservatoire du littoral ».
It’s an ecologic connexion between two sensitives naturals areas : The Forest of Suzac and the swamp of Chenaumoine.
This project has been financed by the Départment of la Charente-Maritime with the support of the Préfecture of the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Department Investment Support Endowment) and the agency of water Adour-Garonne.