Domaine de Suzac Le Parc de l'Estuaire échappe nature

Transat coffee and shop nature

The transat coffee welcome you from the 3rd of april until the end of the october’s hollydays during the opening hours and days of the Estuary park.

Discover the panoramic terrace with one of the most beautiful view on the estuary and the coast.
Most of the products served are from the local organic agriculture. During your visit, you can enjoy artisanal delicacy.

Take a break in front of the lightouse of Cordouan in a preserved nature !

Find the card on :  Carte Café Transat 2024.

Shop nature

The Parc de l’Estuaire’s shop is engaged in an éco-friendly policy. Actually inside you can find new products wich respect the environnement.

The priority of the shop is quality, our products are made in France and so we’re engaged in :

Proposing more naturals materials that respect the environement,
Prioritize products created in europe, France in particular and local,
Favorize products recycle and zero waste,
Promote products from circular economy.

We hope that you’ve got interests in our shop’s politics and it brings you satisfaction.