Visiting areas
Inside the Villa de l’Estuaire
New EXHIBITION in MAY 2024 !
Exhibition « Revivre, the extinct species », an experience of mapping vidéo original.

Discover the life and the fate of extinct species recreated with an immersive technology. This poetic and ecological story created by the national museum of natural history from paris and the Saola studio has been adapted for the estuary parc. A voice tells the story of these species and how they interact with humans. The main purpose of this exhibition is to awaken the cousciousness on the fragility of this ecosystem.
Exhibition “The lightouse of Cordouan”

The Estuary park, as a relay for the « lightouse of Cordouan » has created an exhibition about this monument, as part of it’s registration for humanity legacy.
With SMIDDEST, l’association des phares de Cordouan et de Grave, and the Parc naturel marin de l’estuaire de la Gironde et de la mer des Pertuis.
For more informations :
55 meters above the sea level, enjoy a wonderful view on the entrance of the estuary of the Gironde and the forest of Suzac. At the top of the tower, the view is astonishing on the lightouse of Cordouan ,Saint-georges-de-Didonne, the lightouse of la Coubre, the cliffs, the beaches, the Médoc.

Discovery path
During your visit, you could walk in a footpath in the forest, a way to discover the littoral forest.
Inside you will find :
Connected trail « ExploraParc »
Young and olds explorers, walk and find the « trees guids » in the forest of Suzac. If you succeed, they will give you theirs secrets !
Familly activity (from 4 years old, 40 minutes).
It requires a phone with a digital market where you can download the « Explorama » app (Ios, Android)
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