Actions Foreshore and « Bacs à Marée »
Actions Foreshore
Since 2012, The teams of the Estuary park work to protect the coast of the « Pays royannais » during public meeting called « Actions Foreshore »

Foreshore is a part of the coast cover or uncover by the sea.
« Actions estran » program’s started with the team of le Parc de l’Estuaire to preserve this delicate area with the helps of the municipality.
« Actions Estran » are manual and educational clean-ups intended to raise awareness among the general public, schools, leisure centers and local authorities about maintaining a habitat of community interest: the seashore.
The seashore (seaweed, wood, shells and more ..) is a source of food for the birds and fish. It’s very useful for the biodiversity but also to keep the sand high on the beach and to fix the dunes by plants. The seashore is important against the erosion of the coast.
Unlike the mecanichal cleanning, the manual one take’s off the waste from human activity and keep naturals things.
Sometimes, during some actions, some municipalities rent horses to take off the wastes. Using horses i a way to avoid pollution of vehicle like car for example.
The frequency, method and periods of cleannig the beaches of our local partners has been adapted to the nature and the hollidays season’s.
During winter le parc de l’Estuaire with many partners organize pedagogic actions for the publics and for schools.
Bacs à Marée (Tide bins)
Bacs à marée (tide bins) installed by some minicipalities can be find all along the coast on many beaches from Meschers to la Palmyre. Walkers can deposit their waste, taken from the coast, inside. For most of the waste, they’re recylated.
A coastline protected by all is a clean and beach in life!